Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Day(s) in San Salvador

¡Dias primeras en San Salvador! 

I've still got much orienting and being oriented ahead of me. It's warm and I'm sleepy, but I've found a regular supply of coffee, such as it is: though El Salvador provides the rest of the world with outstanding coffee, it's difficult to find anything of such high quality in the country; all the best coffee is exported and folks here are generally left with some pretty mediocre stuff. 

It's the rainy season here, which so far has manifested itself in the evenings with short, powerful thunderstorms that soon pass. The mornings and afternoons, however, seem pretty dry. "Partly sunny", as they say, or is it "partly cloudy"? 

I'm looking forward to neglecting this blog regularly, but if we're all lucky maybe I'll throw up some snazzy updates here and there. So far, highlight include: 

Getting sassy with pupusas 

Laura showing off her dinner
En casa
Until my next post, know that I'm alive and well, or at least groggy and warm, and hopefully doing very exciting things. lots of love,


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