Monday, October 11, 2010

FMLN 30 Aniversario

This Sunday, 10/10/10 (spooooookyyyyy), marked the 30th anniverary of the Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional. The FMLN comprised the popular forces that fought the Salvadoran armed forces (armed, I might add, by the United States) between 1980-1992, and with the signing of the Peace Accords in 1992 laid down their arms and became an official political party. In 2009, the FMLN ran non-FMLN militant Mauricio Funes as the party's presidential candidate, and won the nation's presidency for the first time, ending 20 years of ARENA rule. Basically, the 30th anniversary was a big deal, and a big show of force in terms of sheer numbers aimed partially at reminding the nation's right that any coup-attempt like that in Ecuador or Honduras would be met with massive popular resistance. Here's some photo's from the event: 

(it was pretty hot out; i threw this guy in here to demonstrate the cheapest, easiest way to get clean cold water here, which is sold in these little baggies...)

If you've neglected to check your calendar, I'd like to remind you that today marks the commencement of my birthday week...just putting that out there...more later!

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